Saturday 20 August 2016

Despite the damp night, a few bats and moths were out last night during our Creatures of the Night event.  After indoor presentations given by North Pennines AONB Partnership's very own bat man, Alistair Lockett and local moth expert, Ian Findlay, we  had fun outside bat and moth hunting.  With the aid of bat detectors, we saw and heard pipistrelle and whiskered/brandt's bats flying around the grounds of Bowlees Visitor Centre.
We also trapped a number of moths using a variety of trapping methods, including treacling, wine ropes and light traps. 
We returned inside to examine and identify the moths we had trapped, including some from a trap set the previous night in neighbouring Newbiggin.  There were 16 different species of moth, including the barred straw, burnished brass, and dark arches pictured here. (See full list below).
Alistair had also brought in a captive pipistrelle bat for us to see, that he is looking after whilst it recovers from an injury.
Full moth list: anther moth, burnished brass, silver Y, yellow underwing, lesser yellow underwing, lesser angle shades, pug, ear moth, pink barred sallow, July high flyer, common carpet, dark arches, barred straw, lined waved moth, autumnal rustic and common rustic.

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